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#40 Caring for Mother Nature: Every Bit Helps

posted in: Curiosities 6
Photo: WikiImages at Pixabay

Greetings, readers. Today we face ourselves. What are we doing, day by day, to help take care of Mother Earth?

This is the final article in this series “Caring for Mother Nature” by my friend, author and naturalist, Peggy Sias Lantz (click her name to visit her website). Again, I’m very grateful that Peggy allowed me to publish her articles here, which were first published in her church’s newsletter. Peggy is a shining example of caring for Mother Nature with great thoughtfulness and love. Thanks, Peggy, for what you’ve taught us.

I urge you now to take notice of the following list of valuable resources that help make the planet a better place. Print it out. Save it. Pass it along to friends. You can always share my blog posts by providing links to them on your social media pages.

Every Little Bit Helps

by Peggy Lantz

So! Are you doing a little?

Many organizations out there are trying to do a lot for Mother Earth by asking people to send them a little. Are you contributing a little to any of these? These organizations are rated highly by CharityNavigator, which gives you a rundown on how well they use your contribution to their cause. Each one has a different emphasis, but they all want the same end – a better world for nature, as well as people.

Earth Care Actions

National Audubon Society, Audubon of Florida, Orange Audubon Society

Birds are their emphasis, saving habitat, research, photography, education. 44 local chapters that meet monthly, many sanctuaries, including Audubon Center for Birds of Prey in Maitland and Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.

The Nature Conservancy, TNC Florida Chapter

TNC actually buys habitat for particular species and finds ways to pay landowners for keeping their property as is instead of selling for development.

Florida Native Plant Society

Emphasis is on plants, encouraging native species for landscaping, rescuing endangered species from properties to be developed, education. 37 chapters that meet monthly.

Natural Resources Defense Council

NRDC uses science, policy, law and people power to confront the climate crisis, protect public health, and safeguard nature.

Earth Justice

“Because the Earth needs a good lawyer.”  Emphasis is using the courts to protect health, preserve wildlife, advance clean energy, and combat climate change.

Florida Wildlife Federation

Emphasis is on Florida’s wildlife, habitats, natural resources, education, science.

Arbor Day Foundation

Arbor Day plants trees all over the world. Forget ordering their bare-root trees. People in Florida need to acquire trees closer to home.

And don’t forget your own local Earth Care place [in Central Florida]:

Oakland Nature Preserve

Emphasis is on restoration of longleaf pine habitat and access to view of Lake Apopka by boardwalk through forested wetland.

There are others. A little goes a long way when many do a little. Support the ones that make you feel good.



Watch for an Index to Peggy’s articles landing in your Inbox. In that post, you’ll get the links to each and every article in this series.

Thanks for reading!

Your writer on the wing,


6 Responses

  1. Peggy+Lantz
    | Reply

    Thank you, Charlene, for sharing my passion for Florida nature.

    • Charlene L. Edge
      | Reply

      It’s been my absolute pleasure to post your work here, Peggy!

  2. Kathleen Brandt
    | Reply

    I have really enjoyed reading Peggy’s articles. Thanks, both of you!

  3. Suzanne Keefe
    | Reply

    Thanks, Charlene for sharing this. So much to to learn. I have a special friend in Maryland who has joined a gardening group. He has taken classes and is teaching.
    Oklahoma has had difficulties due to excessive heat.
    Peggy, you are remarkable and so helpful!

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