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#39 Caring for Mother Nature: The Last Word

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Photo by JamesDeMers at Pixabay

Greetings, readers. And welcome back to the series, “Caring for Mother Nature,” by my friend, author and naturalist, Peggy Sias Lantz. 

After this post, there is only one more in this series and it will arrive tomorrow morning in your Inbox. It’s a super-duper list of resources pertaining to caring for planet Earth.

The day after that, you’ll receive a post with the list of 40 links to all “Caring for Mother Nature” posts whenever you might want to refer to them.

Peggy and I thank you very much for reading her articles here; I’ve been honored to publish them.

***Don’t forget that all my blog posts, including this series, are stored on my website & they’re FREE. How to find them? Look at the top of any page of my website, click the BLOG link and select which category you want. Click here.

The Last Word

by Peggy Lantz

In church, we often sing the hymn with the last verse: “Were the whole world of nature mine, that were an offering far too small; Love so amazing, so divine demands my soul, my life, my all.”

Dear Friends, the whole world of nature IS mine! And yours! God doesn’t want it back. He made it for us. He wants us to enjoy it, to revel in it, to marvel at it, to study it, to be at rest in it, to – above all – care for it, steward it, and nurture it.

Appreciating nature

There is so much out there to see, to hear, to sense.

Did you ever watch how the rain travels down the grooves in the bark of a tree or winds its way among the leaves of your grass?

Did you ever pluck a flower and look at how all its parts attach to one another? How the colors on the petal blend and change? Or exactly how the stem of the flower attaches to the stem of the plant?

Did you ever swim in a natural lake and feel the silky, velvety sensation of the water compared to your shower?

Did you ever spend the night outside somewhere really dark and see a really starry sky?

Did you ever sit in your back yard with your eyes closed and listen to the birds settle down for the night and hear the nighttime insects start their chorus, or the frogs start theirs?

The world of nature is so far away from the world of towns and cities, yet it’s in your own yard. Can you think about your yard in a new and different way?

Do what you can for this marvelous, beautiful world. And remember never to make the mistake of doing nothing because you could do only a little.


Thanks for reading!

Your writer on the wing,



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