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#25 Wednesday Words: Intro to “On Writing”

Graphic by Mohamed_hassan at Pixabay

Greetings and welcome back to another Wednesday Words. Today’s post instroduces “On Writing” messages primarily for writers. Once in a while here on the blog I’ll cover a topic of particular interest to people who write or want to begin writing. So…

  • If you’re a non-writer who wants to find out more about the writing life and craft, stay tuned here.
  • If you’re NOT a writer and are NOT keen to be one, stay tuned too. You may be surprised at how writing tips can be applied to “normal” life. For instance, paying attention to crafting a “telling detail” in a story ties into noticing details in your life like a missing button. In other words, being aware and thoughtful.
From the Porch to the Page

Over the years, I’ve collected tons of advice and tips about the writing craft and the writing life. You may know that my second book is all about that: From the Porch to the Page: A Guidebook for the Writing Life.

In the upcoming writerly-focused posts, you will see some snippets from Porch (my book’s nickname), like the one below. And just like my memoir, Undertow, From the Porch to the Page is available online in paperback and ebook at major booksellers and independent booksellers like this one ⇒ Bookshop.org US.

Do you want to be a writer?

Here’s a snippet from the Preface of Porch:

Besides the satisfaction of seeing our words published, what other basic characteristic might writers have in common? Hint: it makes publication possible. Annie Dillard lays it out for us in her book The Writing Life, when she relays an anecdote of a fellow writer who had a student who asked, “Do you think I could be a writer?”

“Well,” the writer said, “do you like sentences?”

We don’t find out what the student thought or did after that answer, but let’s hope the message hit its mark. Dillard reframes the lesson: “If you like sentences, then you can begin to write.”

Porch book launch on YouTube

In this video you see me at the Winter Park Library in Florida at the book launch, sharing some of my work in Porch. Watch it here.

SPECIAL Index arriving tomorrow

Tomorrow, Feb. 27, you’ll recieve an Index to my first 25 Wednesday Words. Yay for another milestone! If you missed some, you can click on them and catch up!

Till then, thanks for reading!

Best wishes from your writer on the wing,



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