The Story Behind “Undertow”

Greetings, subscribers. This is the story behind my story, of how and why I wrote my memoir, Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International. This post was originally published here on my blog three years ago under the title “Dear Rachel: This is How.” If … [Read more…]

Grow Your Hair. Give It Away.

posted in: On My Mind 5

Greetings, subscribers. This post is about something I did to honor cancer victims. My mother died of ovarian cancer at the young age of 48 in 1968 when I was 16 years old. As I recall, she didn’t have time to actually lose much of her hair before that dreadful … [Read more…]

#2 Caring for Mother Nature: TREES

Greetings, subscribers. As promised, here’s the second post about Earth Care by my friend, the naturalist and author, Peg Sias Lantz. Let’s learn a little something about trees … Trees: What do they do? Most people agree that a tree in your yard can offer many things – beauty, shade, … [Read more…]

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