#2 Caring for Mother Nature: TREES

Greetings, subscribers. As promised, here’s the second post about Earth Care by my friend, the naturalist and author, Peg Sias Lantz. Let’s learn a little something about trees … Trees: What do they do? Most people agree that a tree in your yard can offer many things – beauty, shade, … [Read more…]

#1 Caring for Mother Nature: Earth Day

posted in: Curiosities 6

Greetings, subscribers. This post—and a few more to come—offers some wonderful information about caring for Mother Nature from my dear friend, Peggy Sias Lantz, a nature lover who cares deeply about our Mother Earth. Peg is a Florida Master Naturalist whose family has lived in Florida for more than 100 … [Read more…]

A Flower Break

Welcome to the month of May, so often associated with myriad flowers. This blog celebrates these fragile lovelies. Today, let’s hear from voices other than mine. Keep reading. At the end, there’s a slide show (click the first photo to begin) of all sorts of blossoms. A few writers on … [Read more…]

Growing Curiosity: A Lifetime Adventure

posted in: Curiosities 1

Did you know that December 10th is Curiosity Day? No, you didn’t miss a national holiday; this one is a unique celebration for Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. I only subscribe to a few newsletters, ones I think reliably contribute to my emotional, spiritual, and intellectual life, and theirs does. Thought I’d … [Read more…]

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