Happy 2024. Happy Reading.

posted in: On My Mind 4

Greetings, readers. Happy 2024!  I send you all good wishes for health and happiness this year and many thanks for subscribing to this blog. Today, I encourage us to do one thing this year: read more books, as many as you can. I say let’s devour books freely like scruptious … [Read more…]

A Sleighful of Holiday Cheer 2023

posted in: On My Mind 8

Happy Holidays to you, dear readers! Just sliding by on my magic sleigh to spread some holiday cheer from my desk to your email, delivering virtual gifts: a few of my favorite quotes and uplifting thoughts from slips of paper taped on the mirror, tacked on the bulletin board, and … [Read more…]

Don’t Fear the Library

Good morning, subscribers. This post is a time-out from promoting Undertow as we lead up to its 7th birthday. Today, I want to tell you a little story about libraries. The other day in a Trader Joe’s grocery store here in Florida, I passed by a woman wearing a t-shirt … [Read more…]

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