Celebrating Nylda Dieppa: Poet & Friend

Greetings, readers! Today I’m happy to share work by another poet friend, Nylda Dieppa. You might remember I wrote a blog post last summer announcing the publication of her courageous memoir, Alborada (Dawn): A Cross-Cultural Memoir in Poetry. To read that detailed post about Nylda, how Undertow connected us, and … [Read more…]

Kudos to fellow writer: Stephen J. Spencer

Greetings, readers. Today I congratulate fellow writer Stephen J. Spencer, Ed.D. on his recent book, The Great Goodbye. (Newman Springs Publishing. January 2024.) Our paths crossed long ago when we were both followers of the bible-based cult, The Way International™. However, Stephen’s book relays part of his life before he … [Read more…]

Charlene on FWA Speakers Bureau

Greetings, readers. NEWS: It’s official. I’m now a member of the Florida Writers Speakers Bureau What does this mean? I’m on the list of qualified persons to share presentations about memoir writing or the writing life with groups sponsored by the Florida Writers Association (FWA). A few years ago before … [Read more…]

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