The Story Behind “Undertow”

Greetings, subscribers. This is the story behind my story, of how and why I wrote my memoir, Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International. This post was originally published here on my blog three years ago under the title “Dear Rachel: This is How.” If … [Read more…]

What? Write a Letter?

“Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude and good company,” said Lord Byron. You are alone with a pen and paper, or a laptop and keyboard. You think about the person you’re writing to. You take some time to consider what you want to tell them, how to … [Read more…]

So Long: A Forgotten Gem

Lately, I’ve been sorting through old files, yeah, those paper manilla folders tucked into hanging files stored in file cabinets. My goal is to save or scan noteworthy remnants of whatever I find and trash the rest. Today’s find shocked me. It was on the last page of an article … [Read more…]

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