charlene speaks to students
I visit college classes in the Orlando, Florida, area to discuss my cult story.

An Affinity for Windows

An Affinity for Windows is a short, essay-length memoir: a work of memory, imagination, and some journalism in that it tells of actual people and places, many recognizable to anyone familiar with The Way International™ one of the largest cults in America during the 1980s.

My book-length memoir, Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International, sprang from this seedbed. When I visit college classes to discuss my story, students sometimes read the Affinity essay or Undertow before I arrive so they can ask informed questions.

Are You a College Student or Faculty Member?

If you are affiliated with a college in the Orlando, Florida, area and would like me to visit your students and faculty to give a presentation about my story—I've developed a PowerPoint and a handout—please contact me to discuss my availability for your event.

In my view, everyone needs to exercise critical thinking to thwart dangers cults pose to society.


ICSA Today IT Vol. 7, No. 2 (2016) published my essay "Why I Had To Escape a Fundamentalist Cult"

The iron from "A Shirt Not Her Own"
The iron from "A Shirt Not Her Own"

From Hills Avenue
From Hills Avenue