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Finding Charlene’s Blog Posts

Charlene L. Edge. Photo by Hoyt Edge. Winter Park, FL. 2022.

Hi readers. If you subscribe to my blog, did you know that every blog post you receive is not only delivered to your email Inbox, but it’s also stored on my website for all eternity? Or at least for as long as the Internet is alive and well? Anyone can access all posts I’ve ever published. Keep reading to find out how to find them.

AND keep reading to the very end for a special bonus: Wednesday Words.

But first …

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How to find Charlene’s blog posts
  1. On the internet, navigate to https://charleneedge.com.
  2. At the top of any page on my website, click the link labeled Blog.
  3. BINGO, a list of blog categories drops into view—there are seven: Cults, Curiosities, Fundamentalism, My Writing Life, On My Mind, Writing Undertow, Travels.
  4. Click the name of the category that interests you. There are many in each category, so you can scroll through page by page OR...
  5. At the bottom of any page on my website, use the SEARCH box to enter a key word(s) pertaining to what you’re looking for. For instance, cult.

Since 2015 when I first started doing this, I’ve published 315 posts on my blog, give or take a couple. You are welcome to share any of them with family and friends.

You can also put links to them on your social media pages—that’s okay with me. Share what’s of value to you. Pay it forward.

Just PLEASE don’t copy them without giving credit where credit is due. That means tell readers where you got that content: it’s from me at https://charleneedge.com.

Thank you so much for subscribing over the years, no matter how many years that might be.

Wednesday words

NEW POST EXPERIMENT: I usually publish posts on Saturdays now, but from now on, whenever I might send you something extra on a Wednesday, I’ll include a quote I like. You’re welcome to share yours in the Comments section. Here’s mine for today:

“Suppose someone standing by a clear, sweet spring were to curse it: it just keeps right on bringing drinkable water bubbling up to the surface. Even if he throws mud or dung in it, before long the spring disperses the dirt and washes it out, leaving no stain. So how are you to have the equivalent of an ever-flowing spring? If you preserve your self-reliance at every hour, and your kindness, simplicity, and morality.”

Source: Marcus Aurelius: To Live a Good Life, Practice Kindness | Philosophy Break

Thanks for reading!

Your writer on the wing,


P.S. I am not on any social media sites, but you can message me here:


3 Responses

  1. Nylda Dieppa
    | Reply

    This comment may seem negative but it’s the result of me drinking in the national cultural spring. Unfortunately, so much dung has been thrown into it that it has become as murky as the Seine and just as hard to clean up. As long as those upstream keep throwing their disgusting verborrhea into our national dialogue, those of us downstream will keep getting sick no matter how hard we try to clean it up. It makes it very hard to “preserve your self-reliance at every hour, and your kindness, simplicity, and morality.”

    The Obamas’ speeches at the DNC last night gave us some eloquent and inspiring directions for dealing with this issue, but they warned us of the difficulty of the road ahead too. Like you, they focused their gaze on the bright light of Hope.

    Keep lightening the road ahead for us with your kindness and morality!

    • Kathleen Brandt
      | Reply

      Well said, Nylda!

  2. Charlene
    | Reply

    Thanks for taking time to share!

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