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Mini Horses, Mighty Hearts: Kindness Book

We can all do with a extra dose of kindness these days, yes? I’ve got just the book, one I dearly love for its tender story, lovely illustrations, and message of kindness and patience. It’s primarily written for ages 7 – 12, but it’s appropriate for young and old; consider it as a memorable story to read to your children or grandchildren while we’re enduring a pandemic that requires more at-home activities: Rene Townsend’s Mini Horses, Mighty Hearts: Rootbeer and Edward. O’Bark Press, 2019.

Mini Horses, Mighty Hearts

From the back cover:

“Mini Horses, Mighty Hearts is entertaining and heartwarming, celebrating the positive connection between animals and humans. In an engaging way, the miniature horses’ adventures will bring you into their story and help you realize you are not alone. Working in animal welfare for over 50 years, I was touched by the animal-human bonds portrayed.” ~ Michael Arms, President/CEO, Helen Woodward Animal Center.

“The days Rootbeer and Edward, two miniature horses, visited our school campus were special for students and staff. On these days our “toughest” students revealed a tender side they rarely showed others. Why? Simply because Rootbeer and Edward have a magical way with people of all ages, endearing them to all of us and making our day brighter.” ~ Chuck Hoover, Principal, Murray High School.

Rene my friend

The author, Rene Townsend, is a dear and talented friend of mine. In 2013 we ended up on the same educational group tour to Cuba and began our friendship there. It’s still going strong today.

Although we live across the country from each other, for the last couple of years, Rene has done me a great favor. She’s been the “second set of eyes” on the posts I’ve been writing for the Florida Writers Association blog every month since March 2018. Before that, she was a first reader, among several others, of Undertow, providing valuable suggestions before I published it. Thanks a million, Rene!

Rene the author

From the book: “Rene was a school teacher, principal, district superintendent, university lecturer, partner in a superintendent search firm, and education outreach director for Central America through a San Diego charity. Her passion for education continues with this book about the adventures of Rootbeer & Edward, smile ambassadors who live a life of learning, playing and serving others and who, every day, make Rene laugh.”

Reciprocity for Rene

During the time that Rene wrote Mini Horses, Mighty Hearts, I was honored to do the same kind of writerly favors for Rene that she had done for me. I was one of her first readers and cheered her on to publication. If you’re a writer, you know that writing-buddy friendships are one of the greatest gifts ever!

I’m proud to promote Rene’s book here and hope you check it out. The mini-horses speak to you in the story, letting you in on secrets to being a good friend and a kind human being!

Thanks for reading. And oh yeah, PLEASE WEAR A MASK WHEN YOU GO OUT.

Your writer on the wing,



3 Responses

  1. Steve

    Thanks Charlene for sharing your friend Rene Townsend’s book. My granddaughter’s 10th birthday is in just a couple of weeks. Mini Horses, Mighty Hearts will make a lovely gift for her. 🙂

    • Charlene Edge

      Nice! I thank you and Rene does, too!

  2. Suzane Keefe

    I’ll have to read the book! Thanks for sharing!

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