Greetings subscribers. Today I want to honor the people of Morocco and offer our sympathy and our sadness over the terrible loss of life (about 3,000 people) and property there from the recent earthquake. It’s just too overwhelming to comprehend. And heartbreaking. And personal for me and my husband, Hoyt, because we visited that beautiful country five years ago.
Our tour company, Overseas Adventure Travel, ensured we met local people and experienced activities unique to that culture. We’re so grateful for that marvelous experience. So …
In case you missed the blogs I wrote about that trip, click the following links. Lots of photos are included.
Part 1 of 3: Our Morocco / Sahara Odyssey | Charlene L. Edge (charleneedge.com)
Part 2 of 3: Morocco/Sahara Odyssey – Fez Photos | Charlene L. Edge (charleneedge.com)
Part 3 of 3: Morocco/Sahara Odyssey – Desert Photos & More | Charlene L. Edge (charleneedge.com)
Thanks for reading!
Your writer on the wing,
Thank you so much for sharing your trip to Morocco! Your descriptions and photos give me a vivid picture of the landscape and people.
What an amazing adventure!
These present days, your blog keeps me mindful of the beauty of this place and of the sufferings the Moroccan people are experiencing from the earthquake.