Hi readers! Breaking news: I have a second home where I speak about The Way International in articles first published here. Where is it? On Blogspot.
A Blogspot Valentine
If sharing = love, then I consider my effort to share what I know about The Way as a loving gift. And since it’s Valentine’s Day today, consider this as one big heart-shaped offering.
Keep reading for instructions on how to find my articles on Blogspot. But first: on my Blogspot account’s page (seen in this featured photo), you’ll also find links to two travel blogs about trips my husband, Hoyt, and I took together: one to Turkey and the other to the Amazon in Peru.
Why Blogspot?
Before I had my own website and wrote blog posts like this one to send subscribers, I used Blogspot for those two travel stories. They are still there for anyone to read.
Blogspot is easy-to-use, and it’s free. But Google owns it, so there’s that. Anyway, a couple of months ago, I decided to republished some of my content about cults, fundamentalism, and The Way International over on Blogspot hoping to reach more readers. There are many, many, many people who have left The Way and many others who have left some offshoots of The Way. Those folks and others are seeking information to shed light on their experiences and get some history of The Way.
Because I was part of The Way for 17 years: a member of The Way Corps leadership and a Biblical researcher trained by the founding president of The Way, Victor Paul Wierwille, I offer insights on that group and on organizations derived from it.
Finding Charlene’s posts about The Way International on Blogspot
Click this green link:
Charlene Lamy Edge Speaks about The Way International (charleneedge.blogspot.com)
After you click the above link, this is what you should see:
Scroll down that page to find more posts. These posts are in chronological order going backwards. The first one is “Speaking of Way Stories,” dated December 9, 2023.
Finding the travel stories
On the left side of the page that’s in this photo, you would click my name, which is in black letters at the top underneath the circular photo. Doing that takes you to my account page. You’ll see links to the travel posts there.
UPDATE: The photos for the Amazon blog display just fine. The ones for the Turkey trip unfortunately did not transfer when Blogspot updated their system a few years ago.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for reading!
Your writer on the wing,
Kathleen Brandt
I think it’s great you have put this out there, Charlene. Here’s hoping it will find its way to those in need of it. There are so many of them out there — as you know better than most of us.
Charlene L. Edge
May as well try, right? I’m trying to take my own advice summed up in S.U.D.S. = Start where you are, Use what you have, Do what you can, Stay in your lane. 🙂
Mary Trudell
Busy, busy!
Happy to see it!