Time Travel: Italy 2003

Really—Italy 2003? Twelve years ago? As my husband asks, “If time flies, where does it go?” He’s a philosopher. He has great ideas. I love this one: he suggested I write a post about nothing, you know, Seinfeld-style. We love Jerry Seinfeld. So this post, at least this one line, is for Hoyt. Nothing, … [Read more…]

Again. Mental Illness & Guns

posted in: On My Mind 14

I cannot write another post without honoring, today, the innocent lives in Oregon ended by a mentally ill person with guns. Mental health counselors, police officers, parents, relatives, friends, all of us bystanders around the world send our condolences, once more, to horrified, grief-stricken families. We’re all grief-stricken. Prayers do not work on … [Read more…]

Ireland: For the Love of Music

Ireland — jade green hills, fierce winds, and neighborhood pubs — is alive with the sound of Gaelic music and modern music, too. Last May my husband, Hoyt, and I visited all sorts of pubs to hear the tunes, tap our toes, and lift a pint, bar-hopping around Dublin, Galway, Doolin, Dingle, … [Read more…]

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