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May: Jewish American Heritage Month

Greetings! Did you know that in 2006 President George Bush designated May as Jewish American Heritage Month? Although I am not Jewish, I have many Jewish friends and acquaintances. I am very grateful for them, as for all my friends.

Today, I’m writing this blog post to honor an American Jewish writer and local journalist I know named Greg Dawson. Greg has been a print journalist for about 50 years and is the author of several enlightening books (see below). One is the jaw-dropping story about how his mother, Zhanna, a Jewess and concert pianist, escaped Nazi Germany with the help of brave Ukrainians. It’s titled, Hiding in the Spotlight (the featured photo).

The Dawsons are members of UMACTranstport, an organization that brings Ukrainian refugees to America. You can read about that effort and contribute here: UMACT (umactransport.org)

Find Greg’s bio here.

Find all of Greg’s books here:  Amazon.com: Greg Dawson: books, biography, latest update

I count Greg, and his wife, Candy, as friends. Together they have given presentations about his mother’s story and Candy produced a video about Zhanna. The video is a tribute to Greg’s mother’s bravery and to the courage of the people who helped her escape. On several videos, you can see and hear Zhanna play the piano. She passed away just this year.

zhanna dawson – YouTube

Greg Dawson on his book: HIDING IN THE SPOTLIGHT

About Jewish American Heritage Month

5 Facts About the History of Jewish American Heritage Month

  1. In April 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed that May would be celebrated as Jewish American Heritage Month.
  2. President Bush recognized the 350-year history of Jewish contributions to America — since the arrival of Jews in New Amsterdam.
  3. The resolutions introduced by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Sen. Arlen Specter for Jewish American Heritage Month passed unanimously in both the House and the Senate.
  4. Florida celebrates their own Florida Jewish History Month in January each year.
  5. There is an official website for Jewish American Heritage Month that combines the work of the Library of Congress, various National Archives, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.


Thanks for reading!

Your writer on the wing,


  1. Kathleen Brandt

    The book sounds fascinating!

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