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Travel-free Travel with Hoyt & Charlene

posted in: Travels 2
These boots were made for sloshing. From our stay in the Amazon. 2011.

Travel-free travel is fun, free, and easy. And safe, especially given our current coronavirus pandemic. If you are socially distanced, self-quarantined, or just yearning for a change of scenery, I welcome you to our travel adventures.

Escape to a faraway land, travel-free

Hoyt and I have been to more than 25 countries together. Boy, do I have stories! (Only some of those places have I written about so far. I’m workin’ on it.)

Feeling isolated? These posts have pictures that put you there. Feeling down? They might cheer you up, give you something different to think about.

If you don’t know already, here’s how to find them.

Finding travel-free travel posts
  1. At the top of any page here on my website: https://charleneedge.com, navigate to the Blog Categories link.
  2. On the drop-down list, click Travel. It’s the last item on the list.
  3. You should end up here.
  4. Click around till you find something interesting.
COMING SOON: Travel-free travel to the Galapagos Islands

This will be about our 2011 trip to the exotic, historical, animal-filled Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador.

Thanks for subscribing to this blog, or searching out this post however you found it.

Wishing you health, safety, and peace!

Your writer on the wing,


2 Responses

  1. Marjorie Patton

    Thanks for a pleasant thought. I will enjoy reading them.

  2. Mary Trudell

    Catchy! “Travel free travel”. Am sure I will enjoy

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