Ireland: We weep with you

To the students who lost their lives in Berkeley last week, I dedicate this extra post. As recent visitors to Ireland, Hoyt and I could not help but feel a close connection to the people of that nation when we heard that terrible news. Many of the students were Irish, … [Read more…]

Amsterdam library treat

Amsterdam’s central library Libraries don’t have to be boring. In April this year, before we left for our trip to The Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland, a friend encouraged us to visit the new central public library in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. “It overlooks the water,” she said, “and it is modern and … [Read more…]

Cults and Critical Thinking

On April 23, 2015, I had the honor to address a religion class studying “Extreme Religions” at Rollins College, my alma mater. I’ve made sharing my cult story a service to the college. Dr. Todd French, Professor of Religion, had invited me to speak about my 17-year commitment to the fundamentalist cult, The Way International™ that recruited … [Read more…]

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